Specialized Training


This is where you can browse products in this store.

  • Threat Assessment: The State of the Science


    Originally presented live in February, 2011, Dr. Meloy provides an update on advances and research related to Behavioral Threat Assessment. Includes an overview of Structured Professional Judgment tools, including the WAVR-21 and the PCL-R.

    Run time: Approximately 1 hour and 12 minutes.


  • Threats in Schools: A Practical Guide for Managing Violence


    Published 2002, 154 pages
    Joseph T. McCann, PsyD, JD

    In the wake of several highly publicized school shootings, the problem of school violence has increasingly become a focus of concern for the general public as well as teachers, school officials, and students. Drawing on case studies from publicized violent incidents as well as from Dr. McCann’s private practice, Threats in Schools: A Practical Guide for Managing Violence provides techniques for identifying, conceptualizing, assessing, and managing threatening behavior by students in school settings. Offering specific case management strategies for a variety of situations, this indispensable volume provides guidance on formulating questions to ask and suggestions for developing strategies for managing potentially violent situations.

    Integrating threat assessment and risk management models, this approach will help you target potential threats to property, other students, teachers, and school staff. The interdisciplinary approach recognizes that violent behavior is dependent on the characteristics of the perpetrator, victim, and setting, and that the relationship between threats and violence is not always clear.

    Threats in Schools offers well-grounded research, detailed case studies, and theoretical approaches to help you deal with the tough issues, including:

    • zero-tolerance policies and their more effective alternatives
    • why profiling techniques to identify violence-prone students are of limited use
    • interventions to defuse potentially violent situations
    • critical incident stress management
  • Trigger Points: Inside the Mission to Stop Mass Shootings in America


    “An urgent read that illuminates real possibility for change.” —John Carreyrou, New York Times bestselling author of Bad Blood

    For the first time, a story about the specialized teams of forensic psychologists, FBI agents, and other experts who are successfully stopping mass shootings—a hopeful, myth-busting narrative built on new details of infamous attacks, never-before-told accounts from perpetrators and survivors, and real-time immersion in confidential threat cases, casting a whole new light on how to solve an ongoing national crisis.

  • Understanding Nonverbal Communications (3 hrs)


    This unique ninety-minute, virtual presentation takes a fresh look at what we know about nonverbal communications and how they can be used in a professional, clinical or personal setting. The training focuses on those human behaviors that professionals must recognize which have a high reliability and are useful in assessing others. It will also provide a roadmap for conducting better, more empathic interviews and interpersonal communication.

    Taught by noted spy catcher, Joe Navarro, the training exposes behaviors (some often ignored) that are useful in understanding the feelings, thoughts, desires, intentions, preferences, fears, and concerns of others. It will examine each area of the body that may be helpful in decoding the true thoughts and emotions of others. Gestures, facial expressions and body movement will be examined within their context for meaning. Additionally, the workshop will focus on other nonverbals, including the tone of voice and cadence of speech which have been shown to establish greater rapport and trust.

    The workshop will also identify those nonverbals which do not have clear meaning and from which behavior is often misinterpreted. The training will also explore the limits of nonverbals, including the danger of trying to use nonverbal communications to detect deception. This program will be of great value to mental health professionals, law enforcement/security, corporate, sales and a variety of other professions.

    Want something more in-depth? Check out Joe’s Body Language Academy (www.jnbodylanguageacademy.com). There you will find a 60 hour program, complete with CE’s. Better yet, get a solid introduction to nonverbal communication through this program and then go for the more in-depth program.

    Workshop Content:
    What are nonverbals and why are they so important.
    Which areas of the body are more honest than others. Why the feet are the most honest part of the body.
    The fifteen most accurate behaviors that reveal issues, concerns, dislike, disdain, or some form of psychological discomfort.
    Myths about nonverbals as they relate to deception and eye behavior.
    How we can use nonverbals to convey empathy.
    How nonverbals encompass more than body language and what that means for influencing others.
    How to assess properly for the spatial needs of others.
    Behaviors that alert us to serious issues between couples.
    What are some best practices for professionals in virtual environment.
    Nonverbal mistakes to avoid.

    Workshop Objectives:
    Identify three areas of the body where nonverbals are most honest
    Describe how to use nonverbals to convey empathy
    Identify five behaviors that convey discomfort
    Demonstrate two behavior that may alert us to serious issues between a couple
    List three practices that professionals should use in a virtual environment
    Describe the most common myths regarding nonverbals as they relate to detecting deception


  • Violence Assessment and Intervention: The Practitioner’s Handbook, Third Edition


    Violence Assessment and Intervention: The Practitioners Handbook, Third Edition

    2019, 490 pages

  • Violence Risk and Threat Assessment


    8 CE hours available

    Specialized Training Services is approved by the
    American Psychological Association to sponsor
    continuing education for psychologists.
    Specialized Training Services retains
    responsibility for this program.

  • Violence Risk and Threat Assessment


    230 pages, published 08/00 Perhaps the most readable and practical book on violence risk ever written. Reflects the standard of practice in the field. “Reid Meloy is a leader in the arena and I highly recommend this book to members of the criminal justice and mental health communities. He has written about a very complex…

  • Violent Extremism: 2021 A Threat Assessment Update


    Speakers: Molly Amman, JD, CTM (FBI, ret.); Reid Meloy, PhD, ABPP; Philip Saragoza, MD; Stephen G. White, PhD 

    16 Continuing Education* hours available

    Workshop originally delivered via Zoom in May, 2021

    Domestic terrorism and extreme belief communities are on the rise in the United States as social and political polarization continues unabated. The recent attack on the US Capitol has dramatically demonstrated how serious and how dangerous these trends are in their reach and influence in our culture. Case studies will highlight the factors contributing to radicalization and culminating in the various pathways to extremist violence. Both online and on-ground investigations will be addressed, as will risk assessment instruments for targeted violence and lone actor terrorist violence.

    Topics include:

    • Rising prevalence of violent extremism, conspiracy theory, extreme overvalued beliefs, stochastic terrorism, including incitement to violence from political leaders.
    • Specific belief systems and movements, including: accelerationism and anti-government, militia extremist movements (Boogaloo and the Oath Keepers)
    • White supremacist violence and The Great Replacement theory
    • The Incels and other extreme misogynists
    • Present-day conspiracy theories including QAnon and COVID-19 belief systems
    • Ideologically-motivated groups including Antifa and the Proud Boys; and other domestic terrorists

    Continuing Education* students will be supported to:

    1. Identify ideologically motivated groups in the US
    2. Define warning behaviors suggestive of intended violence
    3. Discuss the prevalence of extremism in the US
    4. Explain the ideology of different American hate groups

    Specialized Training Services, Inc. is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP® recertification activities.

    Specialized Training Services is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Specialized Training Services maintains responsibility for the programs and their content.

  • WAVR-21 and Advanced Threat Assessment Training


    Specialized Training Services is proud to present a three-day Advanced Threat Management Training in Seattle, Washington, and Virtually via Zoom on October 1, 2 and 3, 2024.

    The three-day event will include a one-day training on Assessing Threats and Violence Risk on Campus, in the Workplace & Community with the WAVR-21 with Dr. Stephen White  Click Here to learn more.



    AND a two-day training on Advanced Threat Assessment & Threat Management: Front Line Defense for Evolving Threats with Dr. Reid Meloy.

    Click Here to learn more


    Register for in-person or virtual and for October 1st only, October 2nd & 3rd only, or for all 3 days. 

    ***You will be emailed a registration form after purchasing your enrollment***

    If attending the WAVR-21 training, the authors recommend that you purchase the WAVR-21 Manual (which comes with 5 coding packets) in advance. WAVR-21 Manuals are not included in the price of the training. WAVR-21 Manuals and additional coding packets can be purchased HERE

    The trainings will take place from 8:30 a.m. until approximately 4:30 p.m. Pacific time on each day (with a break for lunch). Lunch will be provided. In-person training will be held at the Von Vorst building in South Lake Union. 426 Terry Ave N, Seattle, WA  98109

    There are up to 21 hours of APA and 7 hours of SHRM Continuing Education Credits available.

    Virtual Attendees: A Zoom link will be emailed 24 to 48 hours before the training to the email address you provide on your registration form.


    • IN PERSON October 1st WAVR-21 Training Only          $375
    • IN PERSON October 2nd & 3rd Only                            $495
    • IN PERSON All 3 Days                                                   $695
    • VIRTUAL October 1st WAVR-21 Training Only              $340
    • VIRTUAL October 2nd & 3rd Only                                $450
    • VIRTUAL All 3 Days                                                       $650

    (Early Bird Pricing is available through July 31st, 2024). ATAP and ASIS Members: Take an additional 5% off with Coupon Code: Seattle5



  • WAVR-21: Workplace Assessment of Violence Risk


    Email us at Info@SpecializedTraining.Com to inquire about our in-person and virtual WAVR-21 training options for your large or small group.

    This is the 3rd edition of this popular threat assessment tool. First published in 2007, the WAVR-21 has quickly become the go-to resource for threat assessment in the workplace, campus and community settings.

    The WAVR-21 is the first scientifically developed instrument for assessing risk of violence in the workplace. It was first introduced in 2007 and is currently in use in numerous Fortune 500 companies, large and smaller universities, secondary school districts, government agencies, and law enforcement and security departments throughout the US and Canada. With proper training, the WAVR-21 is an easy to use, highly effective tool for assessing risk and determining whether risk is increasing or decreasing, thereby assisting with the appropriate threat management response.

    The revised WAVR-21, Third Edition, features a coding form appropriate for all users in their risk screening or threat assessment roles. The instrument and manual content now address both campus and workplace contexts. The manual includes a new comprehensive Intake and Documentation Questionnaire, four extensive post-incident analyses of workplace and campus homicide cases, and updated and new material.

    For information on live and virtual training options, please contact us at info@specializedtraining.com

    Developed by Stephen White, Ph.D. and Reid Meloy, Ph.D., this manual is packed with empirically derived criteria for accurately assessing risk. The packet includes the manual and five sets of coding forms for use in workplace violence risk assessments. The advantages offered by the WAVR-21 include:

    The WAVR-21 offers tools and resources for both clinicians and workplace threat management team members

    The WAVR-21 guides users in understanding and organizing relevant data

    The WAVR-21 allows users to document, monitor, and re-assess risk

    The WAVR-21 may be integrated into multi-disciplinary threat management strategies

    The WAVR-21 incorporates the “Pathway to Violence” threat assessment model

    The WAVR-21 reflects the current state of knowledge and standard of practice variables for workplace violence risk

    The WAVR-21 provides a defensible approach to risk management in any subsequent litigation

    For information on licensing the electronic version of the WAVR-21 for your organization, visit http://wtsglobal.com

  • Without Conscience


    Without Conscience

    1993, 236 pages

  • Workplace Violence Prevention

    Workplace Violence Awareness Program

    Video Training Program for Employees and Managers

    Brought to you in collaboration with Dr. Marc McElhaney

    Employee awareness is critical if an organization wishes to avoid the potential harm and costs of aggressive or disruptive behaviors. You cannot have an effective Workplace Violence Response and Prevention program without employee participation and support.

    This succinct video program can be shown to all employees and supervisors as part of their initial orientation to the company or as part of ongoing employee or manager development.


    Company employees can easily access and view this program online in through our website, receiving a downloadable certificate upon completion, or your company can purchase it to place on its own training platform.

    The program is currently available in six languages: Dutch, French, Polish, Spanish, Swedish and German.

    The program can be completely customized, so that it is consistent with the company’s image and message – and will have the appearance of your own company-designed video.

    • Employee-specific training
    • Management-specific training
    • Active assailant training

    There is a “Train the Trainer” package available as well.

    Inquire Today



  • Youth Violence Prevention


    Preventing Youth Violence: The Pathway Back through Inclusion and Connection Published in 2022. John van Dreal, principal author, author of Assessing Student Threats, 2nd Edition This is a book about behavioral threat assessment that focuses on prevention and early intervention. It’s about thoughtful connection, inclusion, prosocial relationship building, and the restoration of meaningful and positive…

Showing 76–88 of 88 results

  • Threat Assessment: The State of the Science


    Originally presented live in February, 2011, Dr. Meloy provides an update on advances and research related to Behavioral Threat Assessment. Includes an overview of Structured Professional Judgment tools, including the WAVR-21 and the PCL-R.

    Run time: Approximately 1 hour and 12 minutes.


  • Threats in Schools: A Practical Guide for Managing Violence


    Published 2002, 154 pages
    Joseph T. McCann, PsyD, JD

    In the wake of several highly publicized school shootings, the problem of school violence has increasingly become a focus of concern for the general public as well as teachers, school officials, and students. Drawing on case studies from publicized violent incidents as well as from Dr. McCann’s private practice, Threats in Schools: A Practical Guide for Managing Violence provides techniques for identifying, conceptualizing, assessing, and managing threatening behavior by students in school settings. Offering specific case management strategies for a variety of situations, this indispensable volume provides guidance on formulating questions to ask and suggestions for developing strategies for managing potentially violent situations.

    Integrating threat assessment and risk management models, this approach will help you target potential threats to property, other students, teachers, and school staff. The interdisciplinary approach recognizes that violent behavior is dependent on the characteristics of the perpetrator, victim, and setting, and that the relationship between threats and violence is not always clear.

    Threats in Schools offers well-grounded research, detailed case studies, and theoretical approaches to help you deal with the tough issues, including:

    • zero-tolerance policies and their more effective alternatives
    • why profiling techniques to identify violence-prone students are of limited use
    • interventions to defuse potentially violent situations
    • critical incident stress management
  • Trigger Points: Inside the Mission to Stop Mass Shootings in America


    “An urgent read that illuminates real possibility for change.” —John Carreyrou, New York Times bestselling author of Bad Blood

    For the first time, a story about the specialized teams of forensic psychologists, FBI agents, and other experts who are successfully stopping mass shootings—a hopeful, myth-busting narrative built on new details of infamous attacks, never-before-told accounts from perpetrators and survivors, and real-time immersion in confidential threat cases, casting a whole new light on how to solve an ongoing national crisis.

  • Understanding Nonverbal Communications (3 hrs)


    This unique ninety-minute, virtual presentation takes a fresh look at what we know about nonverbal communications and how they can be used in a professional, clinical or personal setting. The training focuses on those human behaviors that professionals must recognize which have a high reliability and are useful in assessing others. It will also provide a roadmap for conducting better, more empathic interviews and interpersonal communication.

    Taught by noted spy catcher, Joe Navarro, the training exposes behaviors (some often ignored) that are useful in understanding the feelings, thoughts, desires, intentions, preferences, fears, and concerns of others. It will examine each area of the body that may be helpful in decoding the true thoughts and emotions of others. Gestures, facial expressions and body movement will be examined within their context for meaning. Additionally, the workshop will focus on other nonverbals, including the tone of voice and cadence of speech which have been shown to establish greater rapport and trust.

    The workshop will also identify those nonverbals which do not have clear meaning and from which behavior is often misinterpreted. The training will also explore the limits of nonverbals, including the danger of trying to use nonverbal communications to detect deception. This program will be of great value to mental health professionals, law enforcement/security, corporate, sales and a variety of other professions.

    Want something more in-depth? Check out Joe’s Body Language Academy (www.jnbodylanguageacademy.com). There you will find a 60 hour program, complete with CE’s. Better yet, get a solid introduction to nonverbal communication through this program and then go for the more in-depth program.

    Workshop Content:
    What are nonverbals and why are they so important.
    Which areas of the body are more honest than others. Why the feet are the most honest part of the body.
    The fifteen most accurate behaviors that reveal issues, concerns, dislike, disdain, or some form of psychological discomfort.
    Myths about nonverbals as they relate to deception and eye behavior.
    How we can use nonverbals to convey empathy.
    How nonverbals encompass more than body language and what that means for influencing others.
    How to assess properly for the spatial needs of others.
    Behaviors that alert us to serious issues between couples.
    What are some best practices for professionals in virtual environment.
    Nonverbal mistakes to avoid.

    Workshop Objectives:
    Identify three areas of the body where nonverbals are most honest
    Describe how to use nonverbals to convey empathy
    Identify five behaviors that convey discomfort
    Demonstrate two behavior that may alert us to serious issues between a couple
    List three practices that professionals should use in a virtual environment
    Describe the most common myths regarding nonverbals as they relate to detecting deception


  • Violence Assessment and Intervention: The Practitioner’s Handbook, Third Edition


    Violence Assessment and Intervention: The Practitioners Handbook, Third Edition

    2019, 490 pages

  • Violence Risk and Threat Assessment


    8 CE hours available

    Specialized Training Services is approved by the
    American Psychological Association to sponsor
    continuing education for psychologists.
    Specialized Training Services retains
    responsibility for this program.

  • Violence Risk and Threat Assessment


    230 pages, published 08/00 Perhaps the most readable and practical book on violence risk ever written. Reflects the standard of practice in the field. “Reid Meloy is a leader in the arena and I highly recommend this book to members of the criminal justice and mental health communities. He has written about a very complex…

  • Violent Extremism: 2021 A Threat Assessment Update


    Speakers: Molly Amman, JD, CTM (FBI, ret.); Reid Meloy, PhD, ABPP; Philip Saragoza, MD; Stephen G. White, PhD 

    16 Continuing Education* hours available

    Workshop originally delivered via Zoom in May, 2021

    Domestic terrorism and extreme belief communities are on the rise in the United States as social and political polarization continues unabated. The recent attack on the US Capitol has dramatically demonstrated how serious and how dangerous these trends are in their reach and influence in our culture. Case studies will highlight the factors contributing to radicalization and culminating in the various pathways to extremist violence. Both online and on-ground investigations will be addressed, as will risk assessment instruments for targeted violence and lone actor terrorist violence.

    Topics include:

    • Rising prevalence of violent extremism, conspiracy theory, extreme overvalued beliefs, stochastic terrorism, including incitement to violence from political leaders.
    • Specific belief systems and movements, including: accelerationism and anti-government, militia extremist movements (Boogaloo and the Oath Keepers)
    • White supremacist violence and The Great Replacement theory
    • The Incels and other extreme misogynists
    • Present-day conspiracy theories including QAnon and COVID-19 belief systems
    • Ideologically-motivated groups including Antifa and the Proud Boys; and other domestic terrorists

    Continuing Education* students will be supported to:

    1. Identify ideologically motivated groups in the US
    2. Define warning behaviors suggestive of intended violence
    3. Discuss the prevalence of extremism in the US
    4. Explain the ideology of different American hate groups

    Specialized Training Services, Inc. is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP® recertification activities.

    Specialized Training Services is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Specialized Training Services maintains responsibility for the programs and their content.

  • WAVR-21 and Advanced Threat Assessment Training


    Specialized Training Services is proud to present a three-day Advanced Threat Management Training in Seattle, Washington, and Virtually via Zoom on October 1, 2 and 3, 2024.

    The three-day event will include a one-day training on Assessing Threats and Violence Risk on Campus, in the Workplace & Community with the WAVR-21 with Dr. Stephen White  Click Here to learn more.



    AND a two-day training on Advanced Threat Assessment & Threat Management: Front Line Defense for Evolving Threats with Dr. Reid Meloy.

    Click Here to learn more


    Register for in-person or virtual and for October 1st only, October 2nd & 3rd only, or for all 3 days. 

    ***You will be emailed a registration form after purchasing your enrollment***

    If attending the WAVR-21 training, the authors recommend that you purchase the WAVR-21 Manual (which comes with 5 coding packets) in advance. WAVR-21 Manuals are not included in the price of the training. WAVR-21 Manuals and additional coding packets can be purchased HERE

    The trainings will take place from 8:30 a.m. until approximately 4:30 p.m. Pacific time on each day (with a break for lunch). Lunch will be provided. In-person training will be held at the Von Vorst building in South Lake Union. 426 Terry Ave N, Seattle, WA  98109

    There are up to 21 hours of APA and 7 hours of SHRM Continuing Education Credits available.

    Virtual Attendees: A Zoom link will be emailed 24 to 48 hours before the training to the email address you provide on your registration form.


    • IN PERSON October 1st WAVR-21 Training Only          $375
    • IN PERSON October 2nd & 3rd Only                            $495
    • IN PERSON All 3 Days                                                   $695
    • VIRTUAL October 1st WAVR-21 Training Only              $340
    • VIRTUAL October 2nd & 3rd Only                                $450
    • VIRTUAL All 3 Days                                                       $650

    (Early Bird Pricing is available through July 31st, 2024). ATAP and ASIS Members: Take an additional 5% off with Coupon Code: Seattle5



  • WAVR-21: Workplace Assessment of Violence Risk


    Email us at Info@SpecializedTraining.Com to inquire about our in-person and virtual WAVR-21 training options for your large or small group.

    This is the 3rd edition of this popular threat assessment tool. First published in 2007, the WAVR-21 has quickly become the go-to resource for threat assessment in the workplace, campus and community settings.

    The WAVR-21 is the first scientifically developed instrument for assessing risk of violence in the workplace. It was first introduced in 2007 and is currently in use in numerous Fortune 500 companies, large and smaller universities, secondary school districts, government agencies, and law enforcement and security departments throughout the US and Canada. With proper training, the WAVR-21 is an easy to use, highly effective tool for assessing risk and determining whether risk is increasing or decreasing, thereby assisting with the appropriate threat management response.

    The revised WAVR-21, Third Edition, features a coding form appropriate for all users in their risk screening or threat assessment roles. The instrument and manual content now address both campus and workplace contexts. The manual includes a new comprehensive Intake and Documentation Questionnaire, four extensive post-incident analyses of workplace and campus homicide cases, and updated and new material.

    For information on live and virtual training options, please contact us at info@specializedtraining.com

    Developed by Stephen White, Ph.D. and Reid Meloy, Ph.D., this manual is packed with empirically derived criteria for accurately assessing risk. The packet includes the manual and five sets of coding forms for use in workplace violence risk assessments. The advantages offered by the WAVR-21 include:

    The WAVR-21 offers tools and resources for both clinicians and workplace threat management team members

    The WAVR-21 guides users in understanding and organizing relevant data

    The WAVR-21 allows users to document, monitor, and re-assess risk

    The WAVR-21 may be integrated into multi-disciplinary threat management strategies

    The WAVR-21 incorporates the “Pathway to Violence” threat assessment model

    The WAVR-21 reflects the current state of knowledge and standard of practice variables for workplace violence risk

    The WAVR-21 provides a defensible approach to risk management in any subsequent litigation

    For information on licensing the electronic version of the WAVR-21 for your organization, visit http://wtsglobal.com

  • Without Conscience


    Without Conscience

    1993, 236 pages

  • Workplace Violence Prevention

    Workplace Violence Awareness Program

    Video Training Program for Employees and Managers

    Brought to you in collaboration with Dr. Marc McElhaney

    Employee awareness is critical if an organization wishes to avoid the potential harm and costs of aggressive or disruptive behaviors. You cannot have an effective Workplace Violence Response and Prevention program without employee participation and support.

    This succinct video program can be shown to all employees and supervisors as part of their initial orientation to the company or as part of ongoing employee or manager development.


    Company employees can easily access and view this program online in through our website, receiving a downloadable certificate upon completion, or your company can purchase it to place on its own training platform.

    The program is currently available in six languages: Dutch, French, Polish, Spanish, Swedish and German.

    The program can be completely customized, so that it is consistent with the company’s image and message – and will have the appearance of your own company-designed video.

    • Employee-specific training
    • Management-specific training
    • Active assailant training

    There is a “Train the Trainer” package available as well.

    Inquire Today



  • Youth Violence Prevention


    Preventing Youth Violence: The Pathway Back through Inclusion and Connection Published in 2022. John van Dreal, principal author, author of Assessing Student Threats, 2nd Edition This is a book about behavioral threat assessment that focuses on prevention and early intervention. It’s about thoughtful connection, inclusion, prosocial relationship building, and the restoration of meaningful and positive…