The Power of Prevention (Continuing Education Hours / Units)

On-Demand Video Threat Assessment Training

10 Continuing Education credits

This premium, on-demand, 18-module course offers world-class foundational education on pre-violence warning signs and risk factors; related stressors and triggers; mental disturbance and its relationship to targeted violence; personal grievance and ideological motivations; signs of potential imminent violence; gathering information, understanding social media impact, and avoiding various critical biases. This course will also teach practical threat assessment and management, offering instruction on the full life cycle of a case including intake, triage, critical threat assessment stages, changing levels of concern, full-spectrum threat management strategies, and responsible follow-up including case closure.


Presenters: Reid Meloy, PhD, ABPP      and     Molly Amman, JD

Bundle 1 (1 hour CE) contains:

  • Module 1 – Introduction: The course introduction outlines the course content, provides some fundamental concepts, and discusses recent case law in threat assessment and management.
  • Module 2 – Understanding Planned Violence: This module explains different modes of violence and how they intersect with biology and behavior, offers explanatory case examples, and addresses threats versus violence.

Bundle 2 (1 hour CE) contains:

  • Module 3 – Risk Factors for Violence: Gain an in-depth understanding of how risk factors can create a future vulnerability to considering planned violence, with research findings and case examples.

Bundle 3 (1.5 hours CE) contains:

  • Module 4 – Proximal Warning Behaviors and the Pathway to Violence: Learn, in compelling detail, about the patterns of behavior that suggest accelerating risk toward planned violence. Filled with real world case examples, current research, and in-depth analysis.

Bundle 4 (1 hour CE) contains:

  • Module 5 – Signs of Imminence: This succinct module describes those behaviors which appear to be associated with a short period before violence could unfold.
  • Module 6 – Stressors and Triggers: Events or circumstances with the potential to degrade a person of concern’s coping abilities are described, along with a framework for analysis and case example
  • Module 7 – Threat Reducing Factors: Facts, circumstances, or even personal attributes of the person of concern that may operate to reduce violence potential are described and explained.
  • Module 8 – Violence Risk and Threat Assessment Instruments: These important tools are categorized and explained, along with examples in each category and a source for additional information.
  • Module 9 – Deciding on a Level of Concern: This module offers a framework by which the threat assessor may consistently assess and label cases, which is a key to effective communication and appropriate action.

Bundle 5 (.75 hour CE) contains:

  • Module 10 – Stalking and Intimate Partner Violence: Unparalleled analysis and explanation of stalkers, stalking behaviors and violence, and key aspects of intimate partner violence for threat assessors.

Bundle 6 (.5 hour CE) contains:

  • Module 11 – Avoiding Cognitive Biases That Derail Assessment and Management: Different forms of bias are revealed and explained, to enable threat assessors to avoid them in case work.

Bundle 7 (1.5 hours CE) contains:

  • Module 12 – Information Gathering and Interviewing: An important discussion of data in threat assessment investigations and how this concept differs from other types of investigations. Special tips for interviewing the subject of inquiry.
  • Module 13 – Social Media’s Place in Threat Assessment: Describes the ways in which social media relates to on-the-ground behavior, plus key psychological and behavioral concepts.

Bundle 8 (1 hour CE) contains:

  • Module 14 – Threat Management: Informed by the assessment, threat management is the key to altering the course of events. This module describes the threat management spectrum of options, illustrated by numerous case examples. Particular attention is paid to safe  and future-oriented terminations, expulsions, and long suspensions..

Bundle 9 (.5 hour CE) contains:

  • Module 15 – Special Considerations in the K-12 Environment: Special characteristics of the K-12 environment are discussed, along with zero tolerance policies, K-12 threat assessment structured professional judgment tools, and attachment and its relationship to targeted violence by juveniles. Particular attention is paid to safe  and future-oriented terminations, expulsions, and long suspensions.

Bundle 10 (1.25 hours CE) contains:

  • Module 16 – Threat Assessment Mechanics: This crucial module describes each step—and the reasons for them—in the lifecycle of a threat assessment and management case, from intake to case closure.
  • Module 17 – Setting Up your Program and Threat Assessment Team: This module is for anyone responsible for writing or evaluating workplace violence prevention policy, establishing a program, or setting up a threat assessment team. It also addresses maximizing bystander reporting of concerning behavior
  • Module 18 – Overview of the Threat Assessment and Management Arc: Review of the threat assessment and management process, discussion of resources for networking, knowledge and training, and final thoughts of the presenters.

Purchase the whole 10-hour package for $759.95   Once purchased, email us at Admin@SpecializedTraining.Com for the Continuing Education exam and certificate.


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Whole Training Program

(All 10 bundles; 10 hours)* (+$729.95), (All 10 bundles; 10 hours with CE)* (+$754.95)